Running Multiple Cloudflare Service Instances on a Single Machine


This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to run multiple cloudflared instances on a single machine. A common use case is managing multiple domains where one needs to be publicly accessible while another remains private (e.g., via WARP). In such cases, sharing a single tunnel and configuration file is not feasible.

Note: This tutorial involves stopping the currently running cloudflared process, which may lead to service downtime. Please proceed with caution and run the commands at your own risk.

Backup the Existing Certificate

If you already have an existing cloudflared setup with the default configuration files, rename the current certificate to avoid overwriting it:

mv /root/.cloudflared/cert.pem /root/.cloudflared/cert_orig.pem

Authenticate and Install a New Account Certificate

Authenticate cloudflared and install a new certificate on the server:

cloudflared tunnel login

If successful, you’ll be prompted to select a domain and install the corresponding certificate at /root/.cloudflared/cert.pem:

Please open the following URL and log in with your Cloudflare account:

<callback url>

Leave cloudflared running to download the cert automatically.
You have successfully logged in.
If you wish to copy your credentials to a server, they have been saved to:

Since this is our second certificate, rename it for clarity:

mv /root/.cloudflared/cert.pem /root/.cloudflared/cert_test.pem

Create a New Tunnel and Config

Create a new Cloudflare tunnel:

cloudflared tunnel create test

Example output:

Tunnel credentials written to /root/.cloudflared/36216cb7-d0b4-4572-9fdf-c03d62b41778.json.
cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret.
To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.

Created tunnel test with id 36216cb7-d0b4-4572-9fdf-c03d62b41778

Now, create a configuration file for the test instance:

cat <<EOF > /etc/cloudflared/config_test.yml
tunnel: 36216cb7-d0b4-4572-9fdf-c03d62b41778
credentials-file: /root/.cloudflared/36216cb7-d0b4-4572-9fdf-c03d62b41778.json
origincert: /root/.cloudflared/cert_test.pem
# Additional configurations can go here...

Service Downtime (Hold Tight!)

At this stage, we need to stop the running Cloudflare service and rename the existing configurations. This will temporarily disrupt the service, so proceed when ready.

First, stop the current Cloudflare service:

systemctl stop cloudflared.service

Now, remove the old systemd service file:

rm /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service

And rename the existing config:

mv /etc/cloudflared/config.yml /etc/cloudflared/config_orig.yml

Now, define a new systemd service file for the original instance:

cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared_orig.service
Description=cloudflared (orig)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --no-autoupdate --config /etc/cloudflared/config_orig.yml tunnel run


And a separate systemd service for the test instance:

cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared_test.service
Description=cloudflared (test)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --no-autoupdate --config /etc/cloudflared/config_test.yml tunnel run


Start Everything Up Again

Reload systemd, enable the services, and start them:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now cloudflared_orig.service
systemctl enable --now cloudflared_test.service

Check if both services are running:

systemctl status cloudflared_orig.service
systemctl status cloudflared_test.service

Your machine is now successfully running multiple Cloudflare instances and tunnels independently. Enjoy your setup!
